Category: Gastro Intestinal
Estimated Date: 1890
Name: Allen Surgical Pump
Manufacturer: Charles Truax
Description: 10“x 6“x 5” black leather bag with chrome plated fitings. Opens to two compartments, one contains a hand cranked cirular pump which compresses a rubber tube (hardened) for pumping action, Pat July 21, 1887. Tubing has thermoplastic fittings. Compartment next to pump contains 4 glass bottles, Carbolic Acid, Merc. Co., Camphor marked Fraser Pharm, Fraser color, Dr. WN Hurst prop and a greenish solidified liquid. Opposite side contains leather covered stomach tube, 4 glass funnels, small cloth sacks, 12 fittings including needles, enema type tubes, etc. Metal uterine cupper (silver or chrome plated), two more funnel shaped cuppers and tubing (aspiration attachments) and a card “ should this pump fail to work at any time write to us stating particulars. Chas. Truax and Co. 75 and 77 Wabash Ave. Chicago, Ill, USA” All this in 5 compartments Attachments are also for syringing and douching as well as transfusion. See page 605 of the reference for more detail.
Reference 1: 418